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Year 6 Blog

Y4 Trip to Grimm & Co Literacy Workshop

Dear families 

The Y4 children are going on a trip to Grimm and Co in Rotherham, to create their own stories, and will publish their own books.

Your child will learn so much and have an amazing time creating their stories.  Children will need to bring a packed lunch unless your child is entitled to free school meals then school will provide one for them.

The trip is being funded by school, however we do ask that children pay for the tram fare which is £2.  Please can children bring this in a named envelope to the school office, and we ask parents to give consent to the trip using the Arbor app.  Children without permission will not be taken.

Y4 Onyx will visit on - Wednesday 5th February

Y4 Turquoise will visit on - Tuesday 11th February

Y4 Peridot will visit on Wednesday 12th February

There is a shop for children to buy magical story items.  You child can bring some money with them if you would like them to, £10 maximum, and you child will be responsible for this money.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Y4 team

Y4 Trip to Grimm & Co Literacy Workshop


Non-Uniform Day

Dear families

on Friday 14th Friday we are having a non-uniform day to raise funds for Weston Park Cancer Hospital. If children wish to take part, they can donate £1 and come to school wearing non uniform clothes.

Non-Uniform Day


Y6 Amethyst Showcase Assembly

Y6 Amethyst had their showcase assembly on Friday, They presented their recent D&T project to parents. There were some great designs of aqueducts. Thank you to all the parents who came, and tested the projects ๐Ÿ˜€

Y6 Amethyst Showcase Assembly


Stanley's stick

๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ Stanley's stick ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

In Year 1, we acted our own stories with sticks we found in the playground, based on the story Stanley's stick.

Stanley's stick


Y1 Library Visit

Dear families

We are taking the Y1 children to Darnall Library to have a look at the books and listen to a story. The visits will take place on:

Tuesday 28th January, 1.40 - 2.40 pm – Y1 Aquamarine - Mrs Cox/Mrs Fazlaine's class

Tuesday 4th February, 1.40 – 2.40 pm – Y1 Pearl - Miss Najib's class

Tuesday 11th February, 1.40 – 2.40 pm – Y1 Emerald - Miss Ahmed's class

If your child has a library card please bring it into school and give it to the class teacher as the children will have the opportunity to borrow some books from the library.

Y1 Library Visit


The Date Project

๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ The Date Project ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ

Dear families

We are supporting the date project by selling dates tins from the end of January onwards priced at £10 per tin. They will be available to buy after school either from the main office or on the school yard. For more information visit https://thedateproject.org

The Date Project


Internet Safety

Dear Parents/Carers,

Each week we will post an online safety newsletter that should help you and your child.

It can be hard to keep up in this ever-changing digital world. But the things that help keep children safe online are often similar to the things that keep them safe offline.

Encourage your child to think critically and question what they see online. Please find time to talk to your child about what they see online and about what they access on the internet (such as games and social media).

This week's Online Safety article is about : Google Chromebooks

Internet Safety



Curriculum Newsletters

Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2024 2025.pdf Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2024 2025
Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2024-2025.pdf Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2024-2025
Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2024-2025.pdf Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2024-2025


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