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Year 6 Blog

Building Blocks

📦📦 Building Blocks 📦📦

This week in nursery we have been reading the story 'When I build with blocks'. The children have been building towers, castles and houses with the blocks in the construction area.

Building Blocks


Nursery Stay and Play Pancake Day

🥞🥞Nursery Stay and Play Pancake Day 🥞🥞

The nursery team would like to invite Parents to a MEET THE TEACHERS PANCAKE PARTY to give you the opportunity to chat with your child’s teachers.

When: Tuesday 4th March

Location: Nursery building

Time: AM children 11 – 11.30am - PM children 2.45 – 3.45pm

We look forward to seeing you there!

Nursery Stay and Play Pancake Day


🍓🍎🍐 FS2 Food For Life Parent Workshop 🍓🍎🍐

🍓🍎🍐 FS2 Food For Life Parent Workshop 🍓🍎🍐

Come and join the fun and activities at our food for life parent workshop on Tuesday 4th March at 9am in the infant hall

We will make a grow kit, fruit kebab, and you will be able to take some seeds home to start growing 😀

We look forward to seeing you there!

🍓🍎🍐 FS2 Food For Life Parent Workshop 🍓🍎🍐


Y1 Darnall Library Visit

📢📢Y1 Darnall Library Visit📢📢

Another one of our Y1 classes visited Darnall Library yesterday. Y1 Pearl had a great time looking at all the different books, and the librarian also read all the children a story.

Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and we have one on our doorstep!

Y1 Darnall Library Visit




Year 1 are doing yoga this half term. We developed flexibility to hold the Wild West poses such as cowgirl, cactuses, snakes, and cows. We will create a story using these poses.



Model River

Y5 had lots of fun creating a model river on the school field

Model River



Curriculum Newsletters

Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2024 2025.pdf Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2024 2025
Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2024-2025.pdf Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2024-2025
Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2024-2025.pdf Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2024-2025


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