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Year 6 Blog

Y1 Darnall Library Visit

Y1 Aquamarine recently visited Darnall library, they had a great time looking at all the different books, and the librarian also read all the children a story.

Libraries inspire children to be ambitious and curious when reading for pleasure and deliver key messages about continuing development and reading beyond the classroom, and we have one on our doorstep!

Y1 Darnall Library Visit


Pattern & Push Workshop

๐ŸŽค๐ŸŽง Pattern & Push Workshop ๐ŸŽค๐ŸŽง

Some of our Y6 children had the opportunity to take part in a music workshop. The children were able to write and produce their own songs/raps which focused on positive lyrics. The children had a great time, many thanks to Pattern and Push

Pattern & Push Workshop


โœ๏ธโœ๏ธSketching โœ๏ธโœ๏ธ

โœ๏ธโœ๏ธSketching โœ๏ธโœ๏ธ

Y4 have really enjoyed planning their sketched piece in art. Taking inspiration from Rosseau and Rodriguez, they have been practicing their continual line drawings based on the rainforest. We can't wait to start work on our final pieces next week!

โœ๏ธโœ๏ธSketching โœ๏ธโœ๏ธ


Chinese New Year

๐Ÿต๐Ÿต Chinese New Year ๐Ÿต๐Ÿต

This week in nursery we are learning about Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year


Y3 Swimming Lessons

Dear Parent/Carers

I am writing to inform you that children in Year 3 will be starting swimming lessons as part of their PE curriculum on Tuesday, 11th February 2025. Pupils will attend school as normal on Tuesdays and will travel, supervised by school staff, via coach to the Ponds Forge Leisure Centre each week. The swimming sessions will run until Tuesday, 15th July 2025 and will be taught by qualified swimming instructors. The sessions are fully funded by school, and as they are part of the curriculum, all children are expected to participate.

For each lesson your child will need to come to school dressed in their swimwear (underneath their school uniform).

They will also need to bring the following:

  • A towel
  • A waterproof bag
  • A change of underwear

Please ensure you follow the guidance below:

  • Your child should not bring or wear any jewelry, including ear piercings. Taping over piercings is not acceptable and will mean your child cannot participate in a swimming session.
  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • The teacher will ensure any medication which has been shared with school is taken with the child’s group. If your child has a medical need such as asthma, this information has been shared with school and an inhaler has been provided.
  • Appropriate swimwear must be worn each week. Please do not send your child in shorts below the knee, heavy outdoor clothing or underwear.
  • If your child is required to wear a long sleeve top and leggings, these should be lightweight materials and worn underneath or on top of swimwear.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.


Yours sincerely

Miss Field 

Y3 Swimming Lessons


Traction Man

๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ“– Traction Man ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ“–

Y1 have started reading Traction Man this week. We have made puppets and role played some of the events in the story.

Traction Man


Chef Visit to Y2

๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‰Chef Visit to Y2 ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‰

Y2 had a very exciting visit from a chef and restaurant owner! The children were able to ask lots of questions about what it is like to own a restaurant and be a chef, they discussed healthy eating and was able to make their own fruit kebabs! It was so much fun! Many thanks to Domo Restaurant

Chef Visit to Y2


Internet Safety

Dear Parents/Carers,

Each week we will post an online safety newsletter that should help you and your child.

It can be hard to keep up in this ever-changing digital world. But the things that help keep children safe online are often similar to the things that keep them safe offline.

Encourage your child to think critically and question what they see online. Please find time to talk to your child about what they see online and about what they access on the internet (such as games and social media).

This week's Online Safety article is about : Choosing respect

Internet Safety



Curriculum Newsletters

Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2024 2025.pdf Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2024 2025
Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2024-2025.pdf Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2024-2025
Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2024-2025.pdf Y6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2024-2025


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