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Roll Call - See Our Y4 Award Winners This Week............

  • 13 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 2259
Roll Call - See Our Y4 Award Winners This Week............

⭐️ Y4 Value & Pride Award Winners⭐️ *

Good afternoon families,

Please join us in congratulating our Y4 pride and value award winning pupils this week.

Y4 Meet The Teacher Breakfast

  • 11 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 2378
Y4 Meet The Teacher Breakfast

The Y4 team would like to invite Parents to a MEET THE TEACHERS BREAKFAST to give you the opportunity to share breakfast with your child and to chat with your child’s teachers.

When: Tuesday 17th September 2024

Location: Y4 Classrooms

Time: 8:40am-9:10am

We look forward to seeing you there!

📢📢 Asda Cashpot For Schools 📢📢

  • 11 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 3944
📢📢 Asda Cashpot For Schools 📢📢

Dear families

We’ve got some exciting news to share with you.

Parentkind – a charity that supports school PTAs - have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative. To support our school, all you have to do is opt-in through the Asda Rewards app, shop and scan in store or shop online at Asda.com.

Between 2nd September and 30th November 2024 – every time you shop with Asda using your Asda Rewards app, Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to your chosen Primary school. Also, every time somebody opts-in to support our Primary school, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus, it doesn’t stop there – Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started.

The supermarket has joined forces with Joe Wicks to support the initiative – look out for the TV advert, radio ads and social media coverage!

It’s as easy as 1,2,3

1. Download the Asda Rewards app, register and opt-in to Cashpot for Schools (make sure you have the latest version of the app installed)

2. Choose our Primary School – either searching by name or postcode

3. Shop instore across Asda and George, or online at Asda.com and start filling your Cashpot as you shop

Asda does the rest, all money raised will be donated to schools to spend on the things they need the most. 

Remember, anyone can sign up – so start spreading the news and raising funds for our school.

This initiative is on top of the existing Asda Rewards benefits you get as a shopper – so you won’t lose out on any of your own earnings or Cashpot, so everyone is a winner!

For more details, visit asda.com/cashpotforschools

In the last couple of days our parents have already raised £63, thank you to all our families who have helped so far!


Weekly News - 9th September

  • 10 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 3135
Weekly News - 9th September

Dear families

Please click on the link below to view our weekly newsletter

High Hazels Herald - 9th September 2024

Many thanks

Welcome Back

  • 6 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 3732
Welcome Back

What a lovely first week back we have all had as a "School Family". The children have been brilliant getting back in to routines and reforming friendships.

We can’t wait to do it all again next week!


Y1 Visiting Crucible - Giddy Goat Concert

  • 6 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 2353
Y1 Visiting Crucible - Giddy Goat Concert

Dear Parents/Carers

On Friday, 18th October the Year 1 children will be going on a visit to Sheffield Crucible Theatre. This is part of a music project that they children have been involved with. They will see a performance of the story Giddy Goat and be able to join in with the songs. Children will leave school at 9am and will be back in time for home time.

The cost of the visit will be £2.00. This will cover the cost of the bus. Please can parents bring money in a sealed named envelope to the school office at least 1 week before. Please consent for the trip on the arbor app/parental portal.

Children will receive a packed lunch from school. If your child has an allergy, please provide their lunch for them.

They will need to come to school in their uniform.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask any of the Year 1 team.

Yours sincerely

Year 1 team.


Y4 Swimming Sessions

  • 5 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 2437
Y4 Swimming Sessions

Dear Parent/Carers

I am writing to inform you that children in Year 4 will be starting swimming lessons as part of their PE curriculum on Tuesday, 10th September 2024. Pupils will attend school as normal on Tuesdays and will travel, supervised by school staff, via coach to the Ponds Forge Leisure Centre each week. The swimming sessions will run until Tuesday, 28th January 2025 and will be taught by qualified swimming instructors. The sessions are fully funded by school, and as they are part of the curriculum, all children are expected to participate.

For each lesson your child will need to come to school dressed in their swimwear (underneath their school uniform).

They will also need to bring the following:

  • A towel
  • A waterproof bag
  • A change of underwear

Please ensure you follow the guidance below:

  • Your child should not bring or wear any jewelry, including ear piercings. Taping over piercings is not acceptable and will mean your child cannot participate in a swimming session.
  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • The teacher will ensure any medication which has been shared with school is taken with the child’s group. If your child has a medical need such as asthma, this information has been shared with school and an inhaler has been provided.
  • Appropriate swimwear must be worn each week. Please do not send your child in shorts below the knee, heavy outdoor clothing or underwear.
  • If your child is required to wear a long sleeve top and leggings, these should be lightweight materials and worn underneath or on top of swimwear.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.


Yours sincerely

Miss Field 

🥪🥪🍓🍓 Healthy Packed Lunches & Snacks 🥪🥪🍓🍓

  • 2 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 3489
🥪🥪🍓🍓 Healthy Packed Lunches & Snacks 🥪🥪🍓🍓

Dear families

At High Hazels we strongly believe in promoting healthy eating and encouraging a balanced diet. Snacks play an integral role in a child's daily nutrition, providing them with necessary energy and nutrients, and healthy snacks contribute positively to their well-being. We ask for parent’s support in ensuring that snacks sent to school align with the principles of healthy eating. Please see healthy snack ideas on the picture attached.

Attendance & Punctuality - Everyday counts

  • 2 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 3577
Attendance & Punctuality - Everyday counts

Dear families

It is important that your child has the right start to their day. Children who arrive late miss learning time and start the day with an unsettled routine. Our school gates all open at 8.40am, and close at 8.50am, all children are expected to arrive between 8.40 – 8.50am and be ready to learn in their classrooms by 8.55am.  Children arriving after 9am will be registered as late.

Good attendance is linked to a child's achievement at school.  Appointments with doctors, dentists or hospital should be made outside of school hours or in the holidays.

Don’t forget every day counts!


  • 2 September 2024
  • Author: Test User
  • Number of views: 3274

Good morning families,

We hope that you have all enjoyed your summer break spending time with your children and loved ones. All staff have returned to school today to complete training and ensure that our school is ready to welcome all children back on Wednesday 4th September. School will be open from 8am for breakfast club, and all other school gates will open at 8.40am.

We would also like to wish all our previous Year 6 pupils’ good luck on starting their secondary school adventures this week!



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